Gay Man's Health - Subject Matter

So what's your first thought when you get a letter through the door that tells you, you have to go for some kind of check up? I know mine is always "Urgh". So you can imagine that feeling's a lot worse when it's a sexual issue you need checked out.

So why is it that every single video out there that encourages you to get a sexual health check up a negative one? Honestly I have no idea. You catch a lot more bees with honey than with vinegar my friend. And instantly this became the path I didn't want to walk down. I'm pretty much one of those people that when you tell them not to push that big red button, is gonna push that big red button. I frequently need something to push against. And when I see a big open space that no ones using guess who's setting up shop? That's right it's me. Besides do you honestly think people are going to be shamed into sexual health check ups? Because I don't. I don't think you would get me to have one if you were like "oh but you might give that guy over there HIV" I'd be all like "ppft, if I had it which I don't!" And I'd sass you. But if you said to me "Look you aint getting none till you do because aint no one gonna touch ya and you are gonna regret it hugely when things start falling off" (now ok none of that sounds anything like me but it's just an example. I am also aware that things falling off is not how STI's work but just bear with me here.) A big part of what appeals to me about gay man's health is that they never seen to shy away from the truth about these things. They don't pretend that every guy that walks through their doors or that reads their leaflets is having sex with a boyfriend. They understand how modern relationships work and how modern sex works. Which is something I wanted to keep in mind as I made this film. That it does not matter who you are hooking up with or how often or where as long as you are safe. They have this humour about them and they way they are just straight up about sex. I like that and the last film I want to give them is something formulaic, informational, bland and boring. So I took the entirely opposite angle to this one and said if you want to have you need to know. If you want to get into someones pants, you better know what's lurking in your own first! A sort of positive incentive to keep yourself in good health.

Here are a few examples of films that I don't think cut it in terms of either keeping the viewers attention for a particularly long time or enticing them to get a check up:

oh yawn another diagram of the penis great just what I wanted.

I just don't believe that the reason people don't get tested is because of their lack of knowledge on the subject. It's more so their lack of responsibility (especially in the young) if it's not obviously going to affect them then they aren't bothered. So further explanation isn't going to work

I'm not actually going to put any more in because I don't want you to suffer through the same torture I did while watching several poorly scripted education videos. Either with terrible actors or poor synchronisation with the animated characters. Oh god were they bad. At the end of the day I don't see why just because we're trying to send a message it has to be a terrible film. I really really don't. Do not get it one bit! And honestly I don't see why someone hasn't put there foot down about this before. Oh no wait they have!

The Netherlands is the governing body I have to thank for throwing me a bone amongst the countless crappy films, with their Be Sexy, Be Smart campaign. 

I love this video. It's not patronising, it's still informative and it's a little humorous without making light of the situation. It hit the nail on the head with this one. So This was the only positive influence I have going into this project. And it's animated to boot!

But then we get to the problem

Alistair would prefer if none of our films had a non - digetic narrative. He thinks because of the platform he wants to play them on it would be better if you could also watch them on the go and you are far more likely to do so if you don't need to have the sound on to understand things. That presented me with an extra problem that made a lot of the videos I had watched difficult to imitate or to draw from because all of them are driven by non-digetic narratives. 

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