Gay Man's Health - Idea approval

So Not long ago we met with Gay Man's Health to discuss what they thought about our ideas and where we should go from that point.

I showed them my idea and they very much liked it. To begin with they had very few issues. They only wished for the character at the bar that had a stop sign next to him already to be removed from the film because they felt sorry for him and they didn't want the message to be if someone has HIV you shouldn't be sleeping with them because that's wrong. And I didn't realise you could look at it like that before so I agreed to remove his character because you know that's not the right vibe at all! Like I may have mentioned a thousand times before with this project Gay Man's Health are all about blatentness and one of the things included with this is an acknowledgement that if you have HIV your life is not over and as long as you are careful then no doors are closed to you. So from this point onwards I am going to be very careful to avoid singling out anyone who has HIV. Really what we are going for here is an awareness thing. Like it doesn't matter what your results are just that you know them in the first place. Gay man's health can help with things once you know what's going on but if you don't know that's when you're at risk. So I feel a little clearer on that issue now that the meeting has happened.

Slowly as the meeting progressed and we'd gone through the rest of the films we kept being drawn back to mine. Something about it wasn't right. The Alistairs began to realise that many of the same films covered similar subject matter and as they stood the films being made were overlapping each other. Which they decided were fine but in the end we decided that my film was better suited to a different more generic sexual health message rather than the current message "Get Tested' which was specifically looking at HIV. It was felt that the message I was sending was more generic and they they would have liked something more specific relating to HIV for the HIV film. After further discussion they had decided that they wanted a film that would remove the stigma surrounding HIV as people tend to only focus on the negative. While they didn't want to glorify HIV they also didn't want people who had been diagnosed with it to feel like there were huge sections of their life closed of to them. Once this decision was made it was simple enough for me to hand my initial message of "Get Tested" Over to Shannon who had yet to begin work on her final film which was the message "Go to A Clinic" Which was more of a generic sexual health message. They were pleased with this outcome because they very much liked my film and wanted to keep it if possible.

So that was that settled. I will be making some minor adjustments to my film to make it suitable to any sexual health issues and Shannon would be making a more specific HIV film.

This is about as much work as I have done on they film at the moment. My nest steps will be to revise my storyboard and take a better look at the shots I am using to tell the story and make sure I have picked the most suitable angles before I move on to the animatic.

I have informed Alistair on our operation progress from this point so he knows what to be expecting the next time we meet him. I will be emailing him a revised storyboard before I continue onto the animatic because it is easier for him to check the story is working in its basic from while it is a storyboard even if I will probably be making several animatics anyway. So that's it for gay man's health just now because of several other commitments I've had since the last meeting.

Since then I've been very busy with what actually feels like nothing but I have actually not stopped. I am completely knackered!

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